How To Earn Championship Points
Top "Points" Dog of the Year Award l Founder Award
In September of 2003, it was announced to the club that a new form of recognition was underway. It was the consensus of the rules committee that this would be a fun way to recognize and to praise the effort put forth by our esteemed Llewellin Setters. Likewise, it would be a means of showing appreciation to the handler/owners for their dedication to their continued support of the club. Thus, a means of earning club status was underway.
In order to be eligible to earn these championship points a dog must be enrolled with the Field Dog Stud Book. All the Owners and Handlers of dogs must be members of the NLGDC. Championship points must be accumulated by dog placement in NLGDC field trials, Open, Derby or AF stakes.
A dog must have a major 3 point first place finish in an Open event with at least 16 dogs in the event to receive Championship award. Only 4 points from Derby placements go toward the Championship. Dogs must demonstrate that he/she will back (honor) other dogs and must retrieve to hand (Retrieve is not used in Classic and AF stakes). Champion status shall be awarded when a dog accumulates a total of ten (10) points as follows:
Open STR (16 dogs or more)
1st - 3 points
2nd - 2 points
3rd - 1 points
4th - ½ point
Derby STR
Effective March 12, 2017
6 dogs or more
1st – 3 points
2nd – 2 points
3rd – 1 point
5 dogs or less:
1st – 2 points
2nd – 1 point
3rd – ½ point
Classic AF Event
1st....... 6 pts
2nd.......4 pts
3rd........2 pts
All Other AF 30 Minute Stakes
1st ...... 3 pts
2nd...... 2 pts
3rd....... 1 pt
Current Point Standings
UnOfficial Dog Standings dog-of-yr-2023-24_12022023 - final
(We have resorted the standing in a high to low score format for an easier read )
TOP "POINTS" DOG of the Year Award:
2016-2017 Winner: Bill Phelps and Nickel 3409 points
2016-2017 Derby of the Year Derby of the Year 2016-2017
2016-2017 Derby of the year Adam Lowery and Lena 1596 points
2016-2017 Dog of the Year Dog of the Year 2016-2017 a
Dog of the Year Bill Butler and Sarge with 3549 points
Derby of the Year Russ Leaming and Ajax
2016-2017 Dog and Derby of the Year Dog of the year 2016 2017
2012-2013 Winner: Duke - Rock Daniels with 6529.5 points.
To view all of the 2012-2013 Dog Points Totals, click here.
To view all of the 2015-2016 Dog Points Totals Open "Top" Dog of the Year.
2015-2016 Winner: Bill Butler and Sarge with 2534.5 points
Derby Dog of the Year Winner: Russ Leaming and Ajax with 1882 points
Derby Dog of the year 2015 2016
This award is to encourage more participation in a greater number of trials throughout the year and to recognize the dog that consistently achieves a high score even though that dog may not place at a given trial.
Scores for each dog will be counted towards TOP "Points" Dog of the Year; with the scoring period from the first trial of the year through the March NLGDC Annual Meeting and Trial and award presentation at the March event. Judges scores are added together from each trial entered; the dog that has the highest point total at end of year (first trial of the year - March) being determined the winner of the TOP "Points" DOY award.
*Awards for Open Class & Derby Class with each of the classes points tracked separately, no points for Puppy class will be counted.*
Q - Is there a maximum number of events a dog can run to qualify for TOP "Points" DOY?
A - Yes. No dog can compete in more than the number of open runs in a given year.
Q - Can a puppy run in a derby event?
A - Yes. But only if the puppy has demonstrated uncommon skill in a previous puppy run.
Q - Can a derby dog run in an open event?
A - Yes, but only if the derby dog has scored a back and retrieve in a previous derby event.
Q - Can a dog qualify for TOP Points Dog of the Year if handled by someone other than the owner?
A - Yes, a dog may be handled by its owner or someone else if owner is unable.
Given for Outstanding Service to the NLGDC (voted by board).
Winner 2007-2008 : Kellie Leaming
Winner 2011-2012: Wilbur Williams
Winner 2017-2018: Caren Mansfield
A special thanks to Nutri Source for teaming with the NLGDC.